

Are You Tired and Heavy Laden

I notice, with some shame, that it has been almost a month since my last post and although I’ve made some minor reports in FB and in my prayer letter, I suspect that some may not have been updated properly. For the most part, however, things have been on an even keel since my last report. I have two challenges at the present that are related but separate. The Thyroidians persist in causing trouble as they react to the infusion treatments. This is manifested in my thyroid levels swinging back and forth, like a monkey on a vine, between high and low. I’m asking the Lord to provide the medical equivalent of an Aaron and Hur to hold up my defenses and keep my schizophrenic thyroid in a normal state (See Exodus 17). This, of course, seems to be my body’s response to the immunotherapy. C’est la vie! Things could be worse. The bottom line is that because of the symptoms/side effects of these two I struggle with fatigue and low energy. That means I can’t go for very long without sitting down and if I sit down for very long I fall asleep! I feel like I sometimes think old men feel!

On the physical therapy front things are progressing. I do feel some improved strength and my therapist is pleased. Stability is an issue still so I’m still using the cane when not traversing the familiar flat floor at home. I’ve been able to get to the basement and use the recumbent bicycle and that is a good thing until it comes to getting back up the stairs until I’ve rested a bit … and fallen asleep in the process!

My girlfriend has been such a help and encouragement and so it deeply concerned me when she was laid to rest in our bed for three days with COVID last week. Linda doesn’t stop when she’s sick. She is like the energizer bunny. So when she spends the days in bed it’s downright scary. It was particularly frustrating for her because there is so much gardening and yard work to do and between the rain and the COVID she has been unable to engage in it. She is on the mend in terms of her symptoms but it has left her dealing with fatigue and lack of energy. She reports this morning that she is in a fog, in spite of the fact that it is clear outside!

We sat together yesterday and talked of the things that needed to be done: me with my sewing and embroidery and putting together a catio (fancy outdoor cage) for Hairy, and her with the yard and garden. The simple activity of talking about such things made us both exhausted! We are so very thankful for those who came and planted a bunch of shrubs and a hydrangea tree in the new garden bed as well as our neighbor who cheerfully mowed our lawn and used the weed eater. It’s not easy for us to ask for help but it is gratifying to have it when needed!

I have two big days ahead of me. With Linda confined to the bedroom and wearing a mask and with me confusing the cat by sleeping in another room with a lot of prayer were key to keeping me from getting COVID and messing up my CT scan scheduled for tomorrow. This will help determine the effectiveness of my infusion treatments thus far. Then, the following day, I should get my fifth infusion on the three week cycle and begin the 2 week cycle of treatments for 34 weeks. Please pray for good report from the CT scan. I do think the tumor feels smaller as a result of the infusions but I’m not really sure. I hope so.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragements thus far. Please continue to pray for restored health and the ability to function normally again.

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