
The Journey

A Good Day to Laugh and Cry

Have you ever heard someone say, “I don’t know whether to laugh or cry”? I had that experience today because it has been a “good day”!

  • My girlfriend had COVID last week and for the first time in over a week she is talking about going out and doing some planting. All her symptoms are gone except for fatigue and a slight cough. Yay!
  • My CT scan taken yesterday showed NO new cancer locations and revealed that the tumor has been reduced by 3/4″ in response to the immunotherapy. Yay! My emotional response to that news was to laugh and cry at the same time. I felt like an idiot! Ugh!
  • I moved from the infusion of two drugs every three weeks to the one drug every two weeks regimen. This will last for 34 weeks. Meh!
  • Oncologist is ready to bring in the surgeon to remove the tumor so we will be scheduling that. Yay!
  • Physical Therapy has been changed from twice a week to once a week in response to good progress. Yay!

I still have some challenges though.

  • The Thyroidian war still rages. Right now the hupos are winning the battle. A few weeks ago it was the hypers that were in control. I feel like a Schizoidian! What I need is a peace treaty. This is in reaction to the immunotherapy. Pray for peace. It’s tough when one has to be moving in order to stay awake!
  • I have an MRI of my brain (assuming I haven’t lost it) on June 4 to determine the current state of the February brain bleed. This is in preparation for the implanting of the Watchman device in my heart to prevent blood clots forming there. That will be followed by consult with Iowa City neurologist. My local cardiologist, oncologist and the neurologist must all sign off on the procedure. The first two have given the green light. Then it is up to me to decide.

It has been a good day! I remember some years ago attending a concert of the Cathedral Gospel Quartet with Tom and Linda Kline. Roger Bennett was the pianist for the quartet for 20 years but he also was a great singer. He was afflicted with leukemia and during the concert he shared regarding his journey and the fact that he was in remission. He concluded his testimony by saying, “God is good” and the audience of hundreds all applauded. During the intermission, at the table where they were selling CDs I spoke to Roger and told him, “God is good even if you were not in remission.” His eyes filled with tears as he said, “Thank you for that reminder!” While today was a good day, and I thank God for his goodness to me today, I regularly remind myself that God is good regardless of what kind of day I perceive it to be. That comforts me and per chance it will comfort you as well.

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