

Gobsmacked by the Lord

I first became acquainted with the word “gobsmacked” in connection with the English singer, Susan Boyle who totally blew away the judges some years ago on “Britain’s Got Talent” TV show by her rendition of “I dreamed a Dream”.  She was sort of frumpy looking and the judges didn’t expect much … but when she began to sing they were “gobsmacked”.  The dictionary defines “Gobsmacked” as: astounded, utterly astonshed, overwhelmed with surprise and wonder.

Well, Linda and I are gobsmacked this morning. The dealer called and said my engine replacement had been finished and they were going to deliver the car. I asked how I would pay for it if they were coming to the house. The woman on the phone said, “It’s paid for already”.  “You must be mistaken”, I said, “Who paid for it?”  “I don’t know”, she said, “but it’s marked paid. Someone paid for it. All you need to do is sign the paperwork.”

We were “gobsmacked” … totally!

All that said, please join us in praise and thanksgiving to God for His wonderful provision … and if it was paid by one of you reading this note … know of a certainty that we thank God for you and are asking him to bless you richly for your generosity on our behalf!

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2 comments on “Gobsmacked by the Lord

Marcia Hornok

Pretend i’m singing this: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases. His his mercoes never come to an end. They are new every morning.

Richard & Carol Lynne Grover

Wonderful news!

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