

Riding the Billows

Someone commented to me the other day that it had been a while since they heard from me. It’s true, and the reason is that there hasn’t been much happening that is reportable. Things had been on an even keel after a rough several weeks and I was enjoying the trip. Physical therapy for my leg and hip muscles was making some slow progress and, apart from the fatigue associated with the weakness and a side effect from the infusion treatments, I have been feeling pretty good.

I’ve been driving again for an hour or two each morning. Haven’t been able to go longer without getting tired. I’ve also been sewing in preparation for a big vendor show on Mother’s day weekend. Some helpful elves brought my sewing machine up from downstairs a few weeks ago and that has helped with my boredom level and the need to keep moving. If I move too much I get tired and my muscles ache. If I don’t move enough … I fall asleep. So I try to strike a balance (no pun intended). All in all, under the circumstances, I’ve been encouraged … until today 🙁

Today was supposed to be infusion day; the last of the treatments on a three week cycle and then transitioning to every two weeks. I was excited as I got up this morning and looking forward to being stuck once by a pleasant but pale man with long hair and earrings (the phlebotomist). I wondered how a man who drew blood for a living could be so pale, but perhaps I’ve been watching too many movies! Then I wanted to be pierced once more by the cancer treatment nurse as she hooked me up to the IV bags containing the $7,000 and $6,000 per dose drugs so they could drain into my vein. Seriously, I WAS excited! When one is fighting cancer it is amazing how the things that excite you get jumbled up!!!

It was supposed to be easy as 1,2,3 … 1) draw blood 2) see the ologist and 3) suck up the expensive juice. It didn’t go that way. We got stuck at #2. Seems as though there were some issues with my blood labs. The Thyroidians are back. This time, instead of the level being too high, it is now too low. This was disappointing to say the least but may explain some of my significant fatigue issues. The other issue was my liver which seems to be creating too much bilirubin. I didn’t even know what bilirubin was and had to look it up, thus discovering the likely cause of the concerning changes in urine color over the last several days. I had thought it was due to my colorful personality but apparently not.

Bottom line is, the ologist wants to be careful and has forbidden any more thyroid medication. We’ll do labs again next Thursday and look for changes and then make a plan. Hopefully that plan will include the infusion treatment, followed by the CT scan to mark progress on the tumor reduction activity…. and then to the 2 week cycle of infusions for 17 treatments. Please pray in that vein!

Tomorrow we are headed to Davenport to attend the program put on by the grandkids’ school. It will be the first time that I have spent the night away from home since my hospital stays in February and early March. That’s no big deal but it involves a steep staircase to the basement at bedtime. I haven’t been doing steps due to the weakness of hips and legs. I know how to go down the steps. Gravity is a great friend in that process if necessary although the consequential result of letting gravity have its way may not be pleasant … or painless. The challenge is getting back up in the morning. Perhaps I will have to take up residence in the basement of Charissa’s home until my strength comes back! Please pray that there will be no issues and that we will know what to do in regard to an overnight stay.

Next week Linda and I are supposed to participate in a long ago scheduled vendor show. That will be another challenge on a couple of levels. Pray again for the absence of serious issues and a profitable show!

What have recently been relatively calm seas on this journey have become a little filled with rolling billows. To say I was not disappointed and discouraged by today’s experience would be to lie. I was … I am. That last sentence reminds me of the one who said “I am the one who is, who was, and who is to come… the Almighty!” (Revelation 1.8) Today was a reminder to put my trust in Him first and then rest easy as He superintends things pertaining to me that are out of my control – but NOT out of His! I need, and appreciate your prayers for me that I will be steadfast in doing so.


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One comment on “Riding the Billows

Carol-Lynne Grover

We are praying every day. And were waiting for another update from you. So sorry for this set back.

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