Older Than I Look!
February 8, 2024
Recently, I was engaged in conversation with one of my rideshare riders and the subject of “age” arose. The rider inquired as to my age and when I told her I was 74 she gasped and said, “get out of here!”. Since I was in traffic at that moment, I did not think that would be wise so I stayed. She did not believe me! Her thought was that I was more like my mid 50s! I remember turning 50. The church that I was pastoring threw a party in the fellowship hall, complete with black balloons, crepe-paper, black licorice and black jelly-beans and all manner of blackness. Many people seem to get depressed upon reaching half-a-century of life, hence all the “much-ado” upon attaining that milestone.
Having lived almost an additional half as many years since, I’m no longer wondering what the “much-ado” is about as I did then. The body now has two artificial joints, aches and pains associated with arthritic joints, varicose veins and a little too much mass around the waist. All of those things, along with the growing awareness of the passing of more and more of the people I grew up and/or served with, serve to make me think, at times, of the inevitable departure that awaits us all…but it is more personal now than it was 24 years ago.
Today I had a conversation with a medical doctor about a recommendation he was making because I was still “young at 74”, but that he would not recommend if I were 84. That was a fun moment! Then, later today I read of a friend who, in the words of a family member is “going downhill fast.” That prompted a recollection of how the Apostle Paul speaks of the “upward call of God” (Philippians 3.14). I think that I would prefer to think of the remaining trip, however long it may be, as “going up hill fast”. An upward climb toward glory that is characterized by a continuing display of commitment, courage and discipline.
How about you? Will you join me?