Etsy is Gone and I’ll Make You a Cuff Bracelet!
April 4, 2017
Finally, this morning, I got resolution to my Etsy snafu (See April 1 Post). The sad thing is that while the end result was what I wanted, they never DID express an understanding of the problem and even in the resolution their response indicated that they were oblivious to the issues involved even as they were refunding my money. If the issues really WERE what they thought they were then I would not have complained in the first place. All of that to say that I think they were getting as tired of me explaining as I was of trying to get them to understand and so they just gave me what I was asking in order to get rid of me. That’s fine, I can live with that … and I got rid of them in return.
I am now in the process of making a second eBay home. I considered mixing the jewelry items I make with the vintage to now costume jewelry on the eBay store we already have as “The Jeweled Page“, but as I thought about it I was concerned that my items might just get lost in the mix. Folks looking for costume jewelry might not really care about hand-crafted stuff and vice-versa. eBay has an option for 50 free listings a month and so we’ll start with that to get some traction. This is the start of the vendor show season though and most of my items will be sold at those locations so I probably won’t be using the 50 listings a month until Fall rolls around. There are some things though that I will place in inventory and when I do, I’ll let it be known that “Jeweled Page Creations” is open for business.
One of the things that I can start populating my shelves with are the cuffs and bracelets made from old or recycled belts as pictured here. Look at the pictures below and I can make you a cuff/bracelet from any of those sample belts. If you’d like one I’d be pleased to make one for you. Simply select the letter that appears in the swatch and respond below with Swatch Number, Sample Letter and Size (see instructions for sizing below). They are all 7.00 + shipping regardless of size (with the exception of SWATCH 1 A, B, C which are 6.00 because they are less than an inch wide). Domestic shipping is 2.75 for one item, International shipping is 8.75, and I’m happy to offer combined shipping savings on multiple items.
Remember … order your cuff/bracelet by giving me SWATCH Number and SAMPLE LETTER and then the size you want. Leave that information for me when making your order and sending your payment using the PayPal link at the bottom of the page:
Here is how to measure your wrist: