
The Journey

The Eyes and the Belly

It was a grueling 2 hours this morning. I had to get out of bed at the crack of dawn for an 8:15 appointment with “the ologist of the day”. Yes, I know that dawn had already come but it had not “cracked” yet. The ophthalmologist was thorough but kind as he took what looked like a pruning hook to flip my upper and lower eyelids inside out so he could peer at them. I told him that Dentists were my least favorite doctors but that he was moving up fast on the inside rail! The result of this torture was welcome news … there is NO indication of any melanoma in my eyes. My eyes are healthy! Praise the Lord! I told him it was a great relief to know that they weren’t going to have to cut my eye out! (I read that on the internet). He gasped and assured me that they had much better ways of dealing with it!!!

From the eye doctor we headed across town to see the Surgeon who cared for me in the hospital with the diverticulosis. He has cleared me to eat a regular diet including fiber again! What a wonderful relief after three weeks of slinging down food that could be classified as gruel and sludge. He is scheduling me for a CT scan just to be certain that things are healing as expected.

Aside from the good-news, today has been difficult in terms of my physical stamina. Feeling week, and having an irregular heart beat … probably from my 26 lb. weight loss at about a pound a day, and the mystery of an overactive thyroid (investigating that on Thursday). I was worn out just walking for a minute or two. Hopefully some more answers on Thursday as we see the endocrinologist and I get my second Immunotherapy infusion.

In the making me laugh department: I was texting my sweet daughter after returning home and I told her: “I can eat normal food again according to the surgeon” She replied, “You can eat fiber again?”

At that point my girlfriend walked into the room telling me of some of the food that she had picked up at the grocery store (including a Boston creme doughnut) and she was telling me about a take-it-and-bake -it cherry pie she bought and had put in our freezer.

I answered my daughter’s question with, “Yes!!” and at that point the voice to text function of my phone picked up Linda’s news, “I bought one freezer”, right after my “Yes”

So now my daughter was envisioning me eating a freezer for fiber! 😉

Thank you all for your prayers! We are so much in need of, and grateful for, them. Pray for added strength for my girlfriend who is valiantly working to hold things together around here. She has tons of yard work to do and without me to do some of the heavier chores I fear she may overtax herself. Pray that she will have wisdom in selecting what to do … and the strength needed to do it.

Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life. – Psalm 54.4

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